Category: Ceremony

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Remembrance 2024

We had a good turnout for our Remembrance Parade this year, with some of our new Squirrels and Beavers taking part too. The weather was kind, mild and dry.

Squirrels and Beavers Invested

We invested our new Squirrels and Beavers and have recruited a few more to be invested after half term. We have refreshed the leader teams and we said goodbye to Coralie from the scouting development team who has helped us for the last few weeks.

St George’s Parade

St George is the patron saint of Scouting. Some of the young people and leaders joined the Coleford parade this afternoon. Sunny, warm and dry weather made it pleasant. It wasn’t too long, so the young people didn’t mind too much.

Remembrance Parade

Our Scouts, Cubs and Beavers together with their Leaders and Helpers joined the Remembrance Parade through Lydney on the 100th Anniversary of the end of the 1st World War to remember the sacrifices made by those involved in that war and the others that have followed it. Our Group is the only one in the…
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