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Kayak Skills

Scouts had a delightful evening on the Wye up from the Symonds Yat rapids on Monday, developing their skills in preparation for a day paddle in September.

Squirrels and Beavers Invested

We invested our new Squirrels and Beavers and have recruited a few more to be invested after half term. We have refreshed the leader teams and we said goodbye to Coralie from the scouting development team who has helped us for the last few weeks.

Survival Friday Returns

Scouts took part in the first “Survival Friday” since 2018 on Friday night. They have to build a tarp shelter, sleep in it, light a wood fire, and cook breakfast. We managed to get a bacon buttie before midnight and a full English (scrambled, beans, bacon, sausage) before clearing away. A mild, dry, light wind…
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May Cub Camp

We had a mediaeval Cub camp in Lydney deerpark. Quests, jousting, trebuchet, a visit to the temple. Even managed to spot the Northern Lights. Weather was kind.

St George’s Parade

St George is the patron saint of Scouting. Some of the young people and leaders joined the Coleford parade this afternoon. Sunny, warm and dry weather made it pleasant. It wasn’t too long, so the young people didn’t mind too much.

Squirrels and Beavers Restart

Yippee, after a short pause we are restarting Squirrels and Beavers. Our first night went well with plenty of adult helpers.

Family Fun Afternoon and AGM 2024

We held our Annual Families Afternoon on 14 April. We had a 7m climbing wall, archery, tomahawks, Olympic style target shooting, and firelighting skills. The weather was kind to us and we completed the formalities of the AGM in the middle of it. Dean was awarded his wood beads and Andrea was recognised for 15…
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Squirrels & Beavers Restart

We think that we have enough adults to have a gentle restart of Squirrels and Beavers. We will limit numbers to 12 in each section until the Leader Teams have settled in and become confident. Watch this space for news of the restarted sections.

Summer 2024

Yay, the summer term is about to start We start the summer term with our AGM and Family Fun Afternoon. This is when we start looking for volunteers to help as eyes and ears in the Deerpark (our scout HQ for the summer) and behind the scenes, with admin support and assistance with camps and…
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Website Snags

We have been unable to edit the website for a year or so (no idea why, but there we go). Unfortunately it hasn’t been a priority to get it sorted, so it has been left to slowly go out of date. We’re back into it now, but could do with a webmaster to keep a…
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